In this case, the term refers to the period during which this lease will come into force. A fixed duration is therefore a period for which a definitive period has been agreed. This is very different from a monthly lease in which either party can terminate with a period of thirty days. In the case of a fixed-term contract, neither party may terminate the contract until the expiry of the total duration of the rental agreement. Two copies of the agreement should be signed by both parties; one copy is for the landlord and the other for the tenant. This document is usually used when problems or disputes need to be resolved, so the copy should be kept until the agreement is terminated. Limited liability: the liability of a member of the service under the rental agreement may not exceed the value of 30 days or the rent, once the written notification and proof of the order on which they are located have been given to the lessor. The cost of repairing damage to the premises caused by an act or omission of the tenant. The contract must be signed before the tenant moves in and its usual duration is 12 months. If you`re renting your property to a tenant, make sure you`ve signed a written lease before the tenant moves into the property..

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